NOTES FOR THE VISIBONE HTML REFERENCE TAGS, ATTRIBUTES, VALUES ======================== !-- (XX-comment) !--# (?M) (SSI..) !DOCTYPE (X-SGML) html public ![CDATA[ (X) (XHTML escape for wrapping scripts and stylesheets) ?XML version encoding A (O),(Ms) (c) href=(url) (hyperlink) (!M) target/frame::= _top (whole browser) _blank (popup) _self (same frame) (d) _parent (outer) _search (IE5O) (or corresponds to href'd FRAME:name) name (-W-id) (FrontPage "bookmark") (corresponds to the '#aname' part of a URL) id (target for url #suffix?) hreflang (human language) (WO) \ type=(mimetype) (WO) > (of href'd page) charset=(charset) (WO) / onmouseover \ (for active cursor hinting) onmouseout / ABBR (?C) (v) (c) (WO) ACRONYM (?C) (v) (c) (-N) ADDRESS (Y)(?C) (b) (italics?, I and EM are more common, also CITE, DFN, VAR) APPLET (P) (c) (-W-OBJECT) (Java) (uv element content is displayed on non-Java browsers only)(WO?) code=filename.class align/inline:... (same as IMG) alt (-IE) (v) archive=jarurl codebase=dirurl width/rectangle:... (**IE) height/rectangle:... (**IE) hspace=(n) (pixels) vspace=(n) (pixels) mayscript (NO) name (contains PARAM) (transitioning to OBJECT, but APPLET is more common) AREA (Mc) (a) shape default (background) (WO) (-!-AREA:shape=rect:coords=0,0,w,h) rect (!) .aka. \ rectangle (IEO) / circ (IEO) .aka. \ circle (!) / poly polygon (-W) (-!-poly) coords (rect) left,top,right,bottom (circle) xcenter,ycenter,radius (poly) x1,y1,x2,y2,... href=(url) (~N requires href for onmouseover to work) target/frame:... nohref (-N) (?strange?) alt (-N)(tooltip) (transitioning to title) onmouseover onmouseout onclick (inside MAP) B (Y) (c) (--W-CSS) (!) (boldface, more common than STRONG) BASE (S) (a) href=dirurl (default directory for A:href, AREA:href, FORM:action) target/frame... (default frame for A, AREA, FORM) (inside HEAD) BASEFONT (Y) (-W-CSS) (a) size face color (...see FONT) BDO (ID) (IE5) (-N) (c) dir (r) ltr rtl (right to left text characters) BGSOUND (A) (IEO) (a) src=audiourl loop=(n) (-1 forever) volume (-10000 for mute or 0 for full volume) (IE4O) balance (-10000 for all left, 0 for center, +10000 for all right) (IE4O) (inside HEAD) BIG (Y) ((c)4) (--W-CSS) (first level may be merely boldface) (FONT:size=+1 is more common) BLINK (Y) (NO) (c) BLOCKQUOTE (Y)(C?) ((b)) (indent, more common than DL) (FrontPage prefers) (~N adds vertical space before) BODY (S) bgcolor=#rrggbb (-W-CSS) link=#rrggbb (never seen) (d-the wild blue yonder) (-W-CSS) alink=#rrggbb (clicking) (d-red) (-W-CSS) vlink=#rrggbb (already seen) (d-purple) (-W-CSS) text=#rrggbb (d-black) (-W-CSS) background=imageurl (-W-CSS) bgproperties (IEO) (empty string means background image scrolls when page content scrolls) fixed (background image doesn't scroll) topmargin=npixels (IE4O) leftmargin=npixels (IE4O) rightmargin=npixels (IE4O) bottommargin=npixels (IE4O) onload onunload nowrap (IE4O) (inside HTML) BR (Y) (a) clear (-W-CSS) none (d) all left (stop flow around an align=left image and jump below it) right BUTTON (O) (a) (IE4O) (form submission: name=value) (-!-INPUT:type=button) name value (visible label) (required by type=button) type button (d) submit reset (often inside FORM) CAPTION (T) (a) (inside TABLE) align/caption::= (-W-CSS) top (d) bottom center (IEO) left (-N) right (-N) valign (IE4O) top (above table) bottom (below table) CENTER (Y) (b) (a) (-W-CSS) (horizontally) CITE (Y)(?C) (c) (italics, I and EM are more common, also ADRESS, DFN, VAR) (-!-I) CODE (Y)(?C) (c) (monospaced, TT is more common, also is SAMP and KBD) (-!-TT) COL (a) .or. \ COLGROUP / (T) (-N) (-IE3) (attributes by column) (inside TABLE) span (columns) 1 (d) width (n) (pixels) (n)% (of window frame) * (remainder) (n)* (relative portion) align/cell:... valign/cell:... (-IE3) bgcolor=#rrggbb char (WO) charoff (WO) (before TR) COMMENT (?M) (IEO) DD ((L)?)(?C) (paragraph in a phrase-paragraph list) (b~) nowrap (IE4O) (inside DL) DEL (Y)(?C) (c) (-N) (strike-out, STRIKE is more common, also S) cite=pageurl (WO) datetime=YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss (WO) DFN (Y)(?) (c) (-N) (italics, I and EM are more common, also ADDRESS, CITE, VAR) (-!-I) DIR (L)(?C) (b) (-W-UL) (-!-UL) (not to be confused with dir attribute) DIV (E) ((b)) (commonly used for: align, class, id, style) align/paragraph:... (-W-CSS) nowrap (IE4O) DL (L)(?C) (b) (phrase-paragraph list) compact (DT's and DD's on same line) (contains DT, DD) (BLOCKQUOTE is more common to indent) (may be more common, and certainly more visually flexible, to make a two-column table, with the first column align=top) DT (L)(?C) (b) (phrase in a phrase-paragraph list) nowrap (IE4O) (inside DL) EM (Y)(?C) (c) (italics, more common than I, also ADDRESS, CITE, DFN, VAR) (preferred by FrontPage) (-!-I) EMBED (P) (c) (-W) (-IE3) (a) (uv contingency is NOEMBED) (Netscape plugin / RealAudio plugin / Shockwave Flash plugin) src=dataurl pluginspage=programurl width/rectangle:... height/rectangle:... units pixels (NO) or px (IE4O) (d) en type=(mimetype) (NO) audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin (for RealAudio(R)...) autostart (tf) controls ControlPanel StatusBar ImageWindow console nojava (tf) border 0 application/x-shockwave-flash (for Shockwave Flash(R)...) menu (tf) quality high loop (tf) swLiveConnect (tf) bgcolor width height border netscape plug-in (NO) border frameborder/frame:... hidden (tf) hspace vspace name pluginurl=jarurl palette foreground background align/inline:... (Netscape may support only left, right, top, bottom) FIELDSET (O) (b) (-N) (box around) (-W-CSS) align/inline:... (made to contain INPUT) (contains LEGEND) FONT (Y)(E) ((c)) (-W-CSS) (!) size (n) (1=smallest, 3=normal, 7=biggest) +(n) (more common than BIG) -(n) (more comon than SMALL) face (typeface) arial geneva,arial,helvetica color=#rrggbb point-size (N4O) weight (N4O) (100=least bold, 900=most bold) onmouseover (hover: active cursor hinting) onmouseout FORM (O) (b) action=submiturl (r) (FORM:action is like A:href except data goes up) method get (d) (submit data by appending to URL -- visible to user) post (submit data in HTTP request body -- hidden from user) (!) (required by INPUT:type=file) target/frame... enctype=(mimetype) (upload technique) application/x-www-form-urlencoded (d) multipart/form-data (required by INPUT:type=file) accept=(mimetype) (WO) (content type) accept-charset=(charset) (WO) (IC) US-ASCII UNKNOWN (d) autocomplete (IE5O) (suggest while typing) name (-W-id) (useful in scripts) onsubmit return false (prevents submission) (contains, INPUT, TEXTAREA, SELECT BUTTON) FRAME (F) (a) (browser window partitioning) (uv contingency is NOFRAMES) src=pageurl name (-W-id) (corresponds to A:target, AREA:target, BASE:target or FORM:target value) scrolling/frame::= (scroll bars) no (never) auto (d) (if big contents) yes (always) marginwidth=(n) (pixels) marginheight=(n) (pixels) frameborder/frame:... noresize (-IE3) (prevents edge dragging) bordercolor=#rrggbb longdesc=pageurl (WO) width/rectangle:... (IE5.5O) height/rectangle:... (IE5.5O) framespacing (-) (apparent red herring, no one supports yet many use in the arduous struggle to make frames seamless and invisible) application=(yn) (IE5O-HTA) (yes=trust content) (inside FRAMESET) FRAMESET ((F)) ((inner attributes usually prevail)) (~N reveals frameset nesting subtly in the 3D border graphics, ~IE hides) (~N reloads HTML and redraws borders when resizing browser window, but NOT when hitting Reload button) (~IE reloads HTML and redraws borders when hitting Refresh button, but NOT when resizing browser window) (~IE borders may be invisible when border < 5) (~N3 may show narrower borders after repaint than after resize) (~N displays thin black box around frame when it's clicked on) (~IE3 supports framespacing) (~IE4+ supports framespacing or border, but framespacing is dominant) (~N border attribute works on outermost frameset only) cols .or. \ rows / (comma-separated list of the following) (n) (pixels) (n)% (of window frame) * (remainder) (n)* (relative portion) border=(n) (-W) (-IE3) \ (border \ framespacing=(n) (IEO) / pixels) > (zero all 3 for seamless frames) frameborder/frame::= (border style) / 0 (**N) (flat borders) 1 (**N) (3D borders) (d) yes (-W) no (-W) bordercolor=#rrggbb onload (either in place of BODY or inside another FRAMESET) H1-H6 (Y) (b) align/paragraph:... (-W-CSS) (-IE3) HEAD (S) profile=(url) (WO) (vague, defines META:scheme's and LINK:rel's) (inside HTML) HR (Y) (b) align (-W-CSS) center left right color=#rrggbb (IEO) noshade (flat) (-W-CSS) size=(n) (thickness) (d 2) (-W-CSS) width/rectangle:... (-W-CSS) HTML (S) lang (WO) xmlns (IEO) I (Y) (c) (--W-CSS) (italics, EM is more common, also ADDRESS, CITE, DFN, VAR) (!) IFRAME (F) (c) (-N) (inline frame, included page) src=pageurl width/rectangle:... (**IE) height/rectangle:... (**IE) hspace=(n) (pixels) (IEO) vspace=(n) (pixels) (IEO) marginwidth=(n) (pixels) marginheight=(n) (pixels) scrolling/frame:... (~IE horizontal scrollbar always auto) frameborder/frame:... name (corresponds to A:target, other targets) align/inline:... (-W-CSS) bgcolor=#rrggbb (IEO) application=(yn) (IE5O-HTA) (yes=trust content) longdesc=pageurl (WO) (uv element contents displayed on non-IFRAME browsers only -- without a closing tag the rest of your document may not appear!) ILAYER (?L) (NO) (c) (see LAYER) IMG (G) (Ms) (Mc) (c) (a) (contrast INPUT:type=image) src=imageurl width/rectangle::= (-W-CSS) (n) (pixels) (n)% (of window frame) height/rectangle::= (-W-CSS) (n) (pixels) (n)% (of window frame) border=npixels (hyperlinked?) (-W-CSS) alt="short description" (tool tip (-N3)) (ub) (visible while image loading) align/inline::= (-W-CSS) (f) (inconsistencies abound, especially where different values are near) texttop (font - high as it can go) \ identical top (font - high as it can go) (!) / absmiddle (font - center of text range) (!) \ identical abscenter (NO) (**N) / baseline (font - same bottom as non-descenders) \ identical bottom (font - same bottom as non-descenders)(*IE) (d)(*IE) / middle (font - center image = baseline of text) \ identical center (**IE) (**N) / (~IE middle & center act like absmiddle) (~~IE creates long descenders when middle (or center) & bottom are near each other, as if it were reserving space, but then the middled images are placed in the middle of the open space created by the bottomed-image's ascender, and there's a big vertical gap below that line) (~~IE absmiddle combined with bottom, absmiddle becomes almost identical to bottom but slightly lower in big picture-size images and higher in small font-size images) absbottom (font - low as lowest descenders) (!) left (picture - picture on left, flow text around on right (!) right (picture - picture on right, flow text around on left (!) (~~ overlap possible when right and left images are near each other) (to center horizontally, put inside CENTER or DIV:align=center) hspace=(n) (pixels) (-W-CSS) vspace=(n) (pixels) (-W-CSS) name (-W-id) ismap (Ms) usemap=htmlurl#mapname (Mc) (part after # corresponds to MAP:name) lowsrc=imageurl (smaller file version) dynsrc=videourl (video,VRML) loop=(n) (-1 forever) longdesc=pageurl (ub) (WO) supress (NO) (tool tip alt & image icon) INPUT (O) (c) (a) name (invisible) \ ('name=value' submitted to server) value (visible) / type text (1 line) (d) .or. \ password ("******") / size (visible) maxlength (typable) autocomplete (IE5O) (suggest while typing) name \ (name=typedvalue submitted to server) value (default for user) / checkbox checked (initially) name \ (name=value submitted to server if checked) value (d ON) / radio (multiple choice) (contrast SELECT and OPTION pull-down) (to group mutually exclusively: use same names, different values) checked (initially chosen) name \ (name=value submitted to server for one chosen) value / file (user picks local file, uploaded on submit) accept=(mimetype) (WO) (requires FORM:enctype=multipart/form-data and FORM:method=post) name \ (name=filepath submitted in addition value (default for user) / to the file itself?) hidden (from user) name \ (name=value submitted to server) value / button (contrast BUTTON) name \ (sent to server as name=value) value (button label) / onclick reset (clear-form button) value (button label) submit (send form to server button) name \ (submitted to server) value (button label) / image (custom submit button) src=imageurl align/inline:... (-W-CSS) width/rectangle:... (**IE) (**N) height/rectangle:... (**IE) (**N) border (**NO) name (submits 'name.x=(n)' & 'name.y=(n)' for pixel clicked) alt="description" (WO) (ub) usemap (WO) ismap (WO) (contrast IMG inside A:href) id (corresponds to LABEL:for) (an INPUT is either inside a FORM or its on-events are scripted) INS (Y)(?C) (c) (-N) (usually underlined, U is more common) cite=pageurl (WO) datetime=YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss (WO) ISINDEX (F) (c) (-W-INPUT:type=text) (-!-INPUT:type=text) prompt (inside HEAD) KBD (Y)(?C) (c) (monospaced, TT is more common, also is CODE and SAMP) (-!-TT) KEYGEN (O) (NO) (-!) (obsolete cryptography scheme) name challenge LABEL (O) (-N) (-IE3) (c) (click zone for an INPUT control) for (corresponds to INPUT:id, not INPUT:name) (example: clicking on 'junk' checks and unchecks the box) LAYER (absolute) .or. \ ILAYER (relative) / (?L) (c) ((NO))(nesting means htmlurl contains layers) src=htmlurl left=(n) \ (pixels, absolute for LAYER, relative for ILAYER) top=(n) / pagex=(n) \ relative to browser window pagey=(n) / z-index=(n) (stacking order, low=below, high=on top) ---. use one above=layerid \ (stacking relationship) \ > or the below=layerid / (corresponds to another layer's id) >--' other id (corresponds to another layer's above or below) / width/rectangle:... height/rectangle:... clip=(n),(n),(n),(n) (viewable area, pixel coordinates) visibility show hidden inherit bgcolor=#rrggbb background=imageurl (uv contingency is NOLAYER) LEGEND (O) (b?) (-N) (IE4) align/caption:... (-W-CSS) (inside FIELDSET) LI (L) (b) (list item, numbered or bulleted paragraph) type/bulleting:... (inside UL) (contrast UL:type) \ / (~N from here on) type/numbering:... (inside OL) (contrast OL:type) / \ (~IE this LI only) \ (-W-CSS value=(n) (renumbers sequence from this point on) (inside OL) (-W-CSS) (contrast OL:start) LINK (S) (ss) (a) (relationship to a resource) (-N3) rel (relationship) .or. \ rev (reverse relationship) (-N) / stylesheet fontdef (N4O?) alternate (used with hreflang, media) start (for search engines) next prev (!) .aka. \ previous / contents (!) .aka. \ (table of contents) toc / index glossary copyright chapter section subsection appendix help bookmark made (--) owner (--) (defined via HEAD:profile) type=(mimetype) (-IE) text/css text/javascript href=(url) (-N) hreflang=langcode (IL) (WO) (human language of href'd page) src=(url) (NO) media/output::= (-N) (-IE3) (media-specific versions) screen /d W) print all (d IE) tty tv projection handheld braille aural target/frame:... (WO) (corresponds to href'd FRAME:name) charset=(charset) (WO) (inside HEAD) LISTING (Y) (IEO) (deprecated, RFC1866 line 1470) (-N) (obsolete, use PRE) MAP (Mc) (nva) name (corresponds to part after # in IMG:usemap) (contains AREA) (higher priority AREA's first) MARQUEE (?A) (c) (IEO) (text in motion) bgcolor=#rrggbb width/rectangle:... (d 100%) height/rectangle:... hspace=(n) (pixels) vspace=(n) (pixels) scrollAmount=(n) (pixels) (d 6) (higher=faster) \ scrollDelay=(n) (milliseconds) (d 85) (lower=faster) \ (speed tinkering) truespeed / false (smooth) / true (accurate) / loop=(n) (-1 forever) behavior scroll (d) (around and around) alternate (back and forth) slide (once) direction left (d) right up down MENU (L) (b) (list) (-W-UL) (-!-UL) META (?M) (a) name robots (search engines) content noindex (exclude page's content from searches) nofollow (exclude page's links from spiders) none (robots should ignore entirely) all (searchable and spiderable) (d) description \ (for search keywords / engines) generator (software tool) content http-equiv content-type=(mimetype) content (mimetype); charset=(charset) pragma content no-cache expires content 0 (don't cache) "Sun, 28 Dec 1997 09:32:45 GMT" (example RFC850 format) refresh content (n);url=(url) (n=seconds delay before jumping to url) (--W-server redirects) pics-label (offensiveness rating, content-script-type (WO) content-style-type (WO) scheme (WO) (vague, context for name, defined via HEAD:profile) (inside HEAD) MULTICOL (NO) cols=(n) gutter=(n) (gap pixels) (d 10) width=(n) (column pixels) NOBR (Y) (c) (no wrap, all on one line) (-W) (-IE3) NOEMBED (P) (b?) (NO) (uv contingency for EMBED) NOFRAMES (F) (b?) (inside FRAMESET) (uv contingency for FRAME) NOLAYER (?L) (b?) (NO) (uv contingency for LAYER) NOSCRIPT (X-JS) (b?) (uv contingency for SCRIPT) NOTOUCH (?M) (c) (some editors treat as opaque) (from MiniVend documentation) OBJECT (P) (c) (a) (e.g. Shockwave Flash) (w3 prefers OBJECT over APPLET, but APPLET is more common) classid code? codebase (IEO: #n,n,n,n suffix for version information) codetype=(mimetype) (of code) hspace data=(url) type=(mimetype) (of data) width/rectangle:... height/rectangle:... usemap (WO) (contains PARAM?) OL ((L)) (b) (numbered list) type/numbering::= (-W-CSS) (contrast LI:type) 1 (d) a A i I start=(n) (d 1) (contrast LI:value) (contains LI) OPTGROUP (O) (WO) (visual grouping of multiple choice) (inside SELECT) (contains OPTION) OPTION (O) (a) (inside SELECT) P (Y) (b) (paragraph, vertical space) (~N may be ignored if empty) align/paragraph::= (-W-CSS) center left (d) right justify (-N) PARAM (P) (a) (inside APPLET or OBJECT) PLAINTEXT (X-TXT) (b?) (NO) (deprecated RFC1866 line 1486) (obsolete, use PRE) (evil element, suspends tag interpretation) PRE (X-TXT) (b) (monospace, white space matters) width (WO?) Q (V) (c) (WO) RT (IE5O) (inside RUBY) RUBY (C?) (IE5O) (red annotation) (contains RT) S (Y) (c) (-W-CSS) (!) (STRIKE is more common, also DEL) SAMP (Y)(?C) (c) (-N) (monospace, TT is more common, also is CODE and KBD) SCRIPT (X-JS,VBS) (nva) (uv contingency is NOSCRIPT) charset=(charset) (WO) defer (-N) (no document.write()'s) event (IEO) htmlfor (IEO) language (-W-type) JScript javascript javascript1.1 javascript1.2 vbs vbscript XML src=scripturl type (-N) (IE4) text/ecmascript text/Jscript text/javascript text/tcl (WO) text/vbs text/vbscript text/xml SELECT (O) (c) (multiple choice drop-down) size=(n) (visible rows) (inside FORM) (contains OPTION) SERVER (?M) (NO) SMALL (Y) ((c)2) (--W-CSS) (FONT:size=-1 is more common) SPACER (Y) (b?) (NO) type block width/rectangle:... height/rectangle:... vertical size horizontal size align SPAN (E) (c) (ss) lang STRIKE (Y) (c) (-W-CSS) (-!-S) (more common than S, also DEL) STRONG (Y)(?C) (c) (boldface, B is more common) (preferred by FrontPage) (-!-B) STYLE (X-CSS) (ss) (nva?) media/output:... (-IE4) (often inside HEAD) SUB (Y) (c) ((N)) SUP (Y) (c) ((N)) TABLE (T) ((b)) align (-W-CSS) center (-N) left right background=imageurl (IEO) (possibly supported in N4) bgcolor=#rrggbb (-W-CSS) border (around entire table) bordercolor=#rrggbb (-N) cellpadding (margin inside each cell) cellspacing (width of border between cells) cols (-W) (number of columns) (?strange?) frame (around table) (-N) void above below hsides lhs rhs vsides box border width/rectangle:... height/rectangle:... hspace (NO) (margin outside) vspace (NO) (margin outside) rules (lines between cells) (-N) none groups (THEAD,TFOOT,TBODY, COLGROUP,COL) cols rows all summary (ub) (WO) THEAD .or. \ (in this order) TFOOT .or. > (T) (-N) (nva?) TBODY / (visually groups rows) align/cell:... valign/cell:... (-IE3) (inside TABLE) TD .or. \ TH / (T) (b) (cell) (inside TR) align/cell::= (f) left right center justify (-N) (~~IE) char (WO) (line up a character in content, like "." in a column of numbers) valign/cell::= (f) top center (same as middle) (-!-middle) (tacit support in Netscape -- middle is the default) middle (d) bottom baseline (line up 1st lines of cells in a row) (~~N4) (-!-top) (virtually identical to top) background=imageurl (-N3) (**N4) bgcolor=#rrggbb (-W-CSS) bordercolor=#rrggbb (-N) colspan=(n) \ (0=all remaining)(WO-HTML4.01) rowspan=(n) / nowrap (all 1 line) (-W-CSS) width/rectangle:... (-W-CSS) height/rectangle:... (-W-CSS) char (WO) charoff (WO) abbr (ub) (WO) (short-version of cell contents, akin to IMG:alt) axis (WO) headers (WO) scope (WO) row col rowgroup colgroup TEXTAREA (O) (c) (2D text editor) (inside FORM) TH (T) (b) (inside TR) bgcolor=#rrggbb (-W-CSS) align/cell:... valign/cell:... width/rectangle:... height/rectangle:... TITLE (S) (W: must be in every document) (browser title bar) (not to be confused with title attribute -- tool tip) (inside HEAD) TR (T) (row) (b) (inside TABLE, THEAD, TFOOT, TBODY) (only contains TD) align/cell:... valign/cell:... bgcolor=#rrggbb (-W-CSS) bordercolor (IEO) width/rectangle:... (IE5O) height/rectangle:... (IE5O) TT (T) (c) (--W-CSS) (monospaced, TT is more common, also CODE, KBD and SAMP) (!) U (Y) (c) (-W-CSS) (underline, more common than INS) (!) UL ((L)) (b) (bulleted list) type/bulleting::= (-W-CSS) (contrast LI:type) (-IE3) (~IE case sensitive: "SQUARE" not understood) disc (filled-in bullet) (d 1st level) circle (outline) (d 2nd level) square (d 3rd,4th,5th... levels) (contains LI) VAR (Y)(?C) (c) (italics, I and EM are more common, also ADDRESS, CITE, DFN) (-!-I) WBR (Y) (a) (NO) (soft CR) (inside NOBR) XMP (Y)(?C) (b) (NO) (-W-PRE) (deprecated, RFC1866 (HTML 2) line 1470) (-!-PRE) (evil element, suspends tag interpretation) Layout ------ TAG attribute value attribute associated with value Terminology ----------- Redundancy ( more common...) (...are more common...) ( more common, also...) (...are more common, also...) (...more common than...) (...more common than..., also...) Element nesting (inside ...) \ in this (contains ...) / order Same options (required by ...) (requires ...) Same names (...corresponds to...) Relationships & similarities (contrast ...) User control disabled (...prevents...) Consistencies ------------- horizontal followed by vertical (as in 8.5x11, 800x600) width height align valign hspace vspace colspan rowspan cols rows order attributes most common or important first mutually exclusive (c) e.g. B (b) e.g. TABLE (c) (a) e.g. IMG (a) e.g. BR (AREA?) (a) (inside ...) e.g. COL (inside ...) e.g. COLGROUP (S) e.g. BODY (F) e.g. FRAMESET (nva) e.g. SCRIPT (not visually anchored) Attribute Classification (complex same-named attributes used by a few tags) ------------------------ attribute/purpose:... (reference) attribute/purpose::= (definition) align/inline (*IMG*,APPLET,INPUT:type=image,OBJECT,IFRAME,EMBED,FIELDSET,SELECT) align/paragraph (DIV,H1-6,*P*) align/cell (COL,COLGROUP,TH,*TD*,TR,THEAD,TFOOT,TBODY) align/caption (*CAPTION*,LEGEND) valign/cell (COL,COLGROUP,*TD*,TR) valign/caption (*CAPTION*,LEGEND?) width/rectangle (APPLET,COL,COLGROUP,EMBED,FRAME,HR,IFRAME,*IMG*,MARQUEE, OBJECT,SPACER,TABLE,TD,TH,TR) height/rectangle (APPLET,EMBED,FRAME,IFRAME,*IMG*,OBJECT,SPACER,TABLE,TD,TH) frameborder/frame (FRAME,*FRAMESET*) scrolling/frame (*FRAME*,IFRAME) target/frame (*A*,AREA,BASE,FORM,LINK) type/numbering (*OL*,LI) type/bulleting (*UL*,LI) media/output (*LINK*,STYLE) SYMBOLS ======= Functional Category ------------------- (T) Tables (F) Frames (I) International or multilingual (IC) character sets, Unicode, etc. (ID) character direction flow (ltr or rtl) (IL) human language support (L) Lists (S) Document level structure (E) Empty of effect, attribute mouthpiece (no effect if no attributes present) (O) Forms and other interactive devices (e.g. hyperlinks) (Mc) Image map, client side (Ms) Image map, server side (P) Programmed intelligence (often includes (A) and (G) and (DB)) (DB) Database tools (e.g. IE4 Data Binding) (Y) Style, layout (form over function) (?) Misc (?M) Meta content, outside the scope of browsing (?C) Content enrichment (machine-readable) (?L) Layers (?A) Annoying attention-getter (G) Graphics (A) Audio (X-xxx) Syntax escape, element format is xxx (file extension) Notations --------- (c) Character level visual displacement (b) Block level visual displacement (commandeers left and right margin) (a) Atomic (tag has no close tag, no element content) (attribute has no value) (( )) Recursive, nestable ((N)) nestable only on Netscape ((c)2) character level, nestable 2 levels deep (more are ignored) So: (( )1) is the same as ( ) (v) No visible effect, ignored by most browsers, meaning only (ss) Stylesheet usage prominent (r) Attribute required in Tag, or Tag required in Document (f) Figure will show this point (d) Default value (d ...) Default value with conditions (u) Unversal support (braille, etc.) (ub) for the blind (uv...) for older browsers ...(R) Registered trademark (?strange?) and mysterious .or. \ two or more tags have the same attributes (COL, COLGROUP) / two attributes have the same value format (FRAME:cols, FRAME:rows) two values, same associations (INPUT:type=text, INPUT:type=password) .aka. \ two value spellings, functions identical if supported at all / (LINK:rel=prev, LINK:rel=previous) one is always marked (!) for wider support Support, Compatibility, Recommendations --------------------------------------- (-W) Undefined by or HTML standard (-W-xxx) Deprecated in favor of xxx / use xxx instead / we may use xxx someday (--W-xxx) Discouraged (more mild than deprecated) in favor of xxx (WO) Defined by only, nobody supports, nobody uses (NO) Netscape Only (N#) Netscape support starts with version # (nothing before 3.0 considered) (-N) Not documented by Netscape (-N3) Not supported by Netscape 3 or earlier (-IE) Not supported by Internet Explorer (IEO) Internet Explorer Only (IE#) Internet Explorer support starts with version # (nothing before 3.0 considered) (*IE) Contradicts IE documentation (**N) Undocumented Netscape feature (**N4) Undocumented Netscape feature, supported in version 4 and later (~IE...) inconsistency among browsers and standards, IE is odd man out (~~IE...) buggy or inconsistent within IE implementation (~~...) bugginess in all browsers (!) Common, VisiBone recommends using (-!-...) VisiBone recommends not using, instead use ... (!M) Mighty feature, master it (--) Not defined anywhere but in use, perhaps for an actual reason Value-Type Symbols ------------------ #rrggbb #nnnnnn (hex number) websafe: #3366CC nonsafe: #F0E68C name vganame: black, white, red advname: aliceblue, ivory, forestgreen osname: activeborder, buttonface, windowframe, ... (IEO) (url) any URL at all, as for A:href, AREA:href, LINK:href imageurl e.g. ending in .gif, .jpg, as for IMG:src pageurl anything that fills a page, often HTML, can be text, jpeg, gif, ... dirurl directory url, e.g., submiturl as for FORM:action, can be mailto scripturl dataurl programurl audiourl jarurl filename.jar htmlurl#mapname filename.class (mimetype) e.g. text/plain (charset) langcode layerid LAYER:id or ILAYER:id (n) positive integer (tf) true or false (yn) yes or no ONLINE NAMING ============= URL Schemes (server types) ----------- Web \__________/ \___________________/ \___/ \____/ \__/ \___/ \__/ host directory file name value name value \_________________________/ \____________________/ path parameters, this is the MIME type "application/ x-www-form-urlencoded" (or free-form stuff) http://.......................#aname \___/ anchor name (corresponds to A:name) scrolls to that point within a page (FrontPage calls it a "bookmark") https://........ SSL \_________ Secure server access Email \___/ \______/ user host \____________/ email address clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 Object \__________________________________/ Microsoft's 128-bit identifier for everything in the universe, in this case, some form of browser intelligence. FTP \______________/ \_______________________________/ \__________/ host directory file file://C:/Program%20Files/Real/RealPlayer/videotest.rm Local \_____________________________________________/ File Operating-system-specific path, except: '\' --> '/' ' ' --> '%20' File is on the same computer as the browser. URL Characters -------------- : scheme prefix : ftp username/password separator / path/directory/file separator ? parameter section suffix & parameter separator # anchor name suffix . filename/extension separator = parameter name/value separator %nn ASCII code nn (hexadecimal) %20 space ' ' %7E tilde '~' File name Extension(s) MIME type Description ------------------------------------------------------------- .aco Photoshop color swatches .act Photoshop color table .ai .avi .doc .exe .gif image/gif .gz .hqx .html .htm text/html .jpg .jpeg .jpe image/jpeg .m3u .mp3 .pdf .ps .ram .rm .shtml .swv .tar .txt text/plain .wav .xls .zip application/octet-stream Opaque (charset) --------- ISO-8859-4