Hey, thanks for the interest! Hope you find these useful.
Bob Stein, VisiBone, stein@visibone.com, (feedback form)
(Compare with the
Card Collection.)
There are now twelve VisiBone charts, and they're available together for 50% off. With it all on your walls, you'll be able to use any VisiBone cheatsheet in two seconds. And do you know what that means? You need a bigger office! With more walls!! What are walls for anyway? Egyptians knew. Now you can bring yours to working life too.
The VisiBone Chart Suite covers 22.5 square feet of useless drywall or distracting windows. That's nearly 1/10,000 the side of a Giza pyramid.
You'll never lose this in the clutter and you'll cut down on office theft.
The Font Card and JavaScript Card are now available in chart form. The type is 40% larger and easily readable from a few feet.
The Font Chart shows samples of the 65 most widely available web text fonts, plus Mac and Linux support.
The JavaScript Charts feature over 500 self-testing examples.
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