Sunrise, Florida, (December 17, 1999) VisiBone began shipping the second edition of its popular 216-Color Webmaster's Palette Poster this week. A key improvement makes this new edition significantly sharper than the first. The same eight custom inks were used to match computer screen colors but the way in which those inks were combined was significantly enhanced by more accurately modeling the offset printing process and it's use of screens to throttle the ink. Besides more precisely rendering all the shades in the web-safe palette, the impression in print is much bolder dark shades, enlivening the entire display and giving the appearance of glazed ceramic color chips rather than dull plastic.
Decimal RGB color codes
were added to each color chip in the second edition. This was the feature most
requested by designers who purchased the original. The hexadecimal HTML codes and
VACCC names (VisiBone Anglo-Centric Color Code a naming system for web safe colors)
"The fan mail is very rewarding," says Bob Stein, founder and Chief Color Spelunker at VisiBone. "Designers find it to be a useful reference in web site creation as well as aesthetically appealing." Stein also attributes sales of the poster to the generosity inspired by the free online resources at the VisiBone web site. "Only about 3% of the people who use the color lab or download swatches ever buy a poster. But because the color lab is free, that's 3% of a much bigger number. Most traffic comes from word-of-mouth or 'word-of-email.'"
2500 Webmaster's Palette Posters were shipped to websmiths in 30 countries. Posters are $15 quantity one or $144 quantity twelve. Ordering information is at the VisiBone web site.
About VisiBone
VisiBone is about visualization technology, making apparent what was obscure. It's a small company, about as small as you can imagine. Current projects focus on web designer tools, especially for color.
VisiBone's award-winning online resources include the Webmaster's Color Laboratory, mankind's first look at the entire web-safe color palette arranged symmetrically by hue. It allows designers to pick out color schemes by simply clicking on the colors, showing the choices side by side with text and background combinations. The lab opened August 1999.
VisiBone swatch collections provide web safe color wheels for popular graphics programs. They are included by permission in Adobe Photoshop, Bare Bones Software BBEdit, and The GIMP in Linux. They are also available for free download for Macromedia Fireworks, Allaire HomeSite, Adobe Illustrator, Jasc Paint Shop Pro, and MetaCreations Painter.
Now under development is mankind's handiest HTML reference card, showing HTML as it really is, not as committees and developers imagine it to be but as designers use it.
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