A visual comparison... Default swatch collection for Adobe ImageReady Striking but incomplete.
VisiBone swatch collections are available for the following fine graphics packages:
Downloadable* swatches are available here for most of these formats. For Adobe Photoshop (including Photoshop Elements) and ImageReady:Windows users:The VisiBone2 swatch collection ships with Adobe Photoshop (and ImageReady and Illustrator and GoLive but not Photoshop Elements). To access it:
Earlier instructions for downloading the swatches for Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, and ImageReady:
To make these swatches come up automatically each time you run ImageReady, you can rename the file to default.aco. This isn't necessary in Photoshop just put the .aco file in the same directory as default.aco (you'll see where that is after you hit the arrow). Mac users:
Thanks to Sally, Alex, Sara, Steve C., Ross N., and many other good folk who have helped out with instructions and server settings.
For Jasc Paint Shop Pro
There appears to be no way of making VisiBone_km the default palette. With PSP, the default color depth is 16 million so the default color scheme is the full spectrum. However, once you've loaded the VisiBone palette for an image, it will always come up for that image (unless you load a different palette or increase the color depth). Format and instructions by the copious generosity and thoughtful precision of Kitty MacAlpine. Around the same time Kitty contributed this, Anna Cochran sent in a PSP version also, that her son had derived from The GIMP version. Comparing, they both had tiny flaws. The file above has them fixed. Instructions thoughtfully updated for PSP8 by Mark Kaprielian.
For Allaire HomeSite 4.0 or CF Studio
Adapted from The GIMP version and generously provided here for HomeSite users by Anne Parker, Cambridge England.
For Adobe Illustrator 8VisiBone2_vaccc.ai. Adobe included this starting Illustrator 8. It shows hexadecimal HTML, decimal RGB and VACCC color names. If you don't have already, here are the instructions for Windows:
VisiBone2_gy.ai (149K) courtesy of Gary Yuen, for Windows
VisiBone1_scai.sit (50K) and VisiBone2_scai.sit (50K) courtesy of author Sandee Cohen, for the Mac:
For The Gimp
Do you get the error "Fatal parse error in palette file - missing magic header. Does this file need converting from DOS?" First reported by Keith B. Solution appears to be to convert the line terminators in the file from CRLF to LF. Keith writes:
Thanks to Patricia R. for reporting these swatches work for the Windows version of The GIMP as well as for Linux. Conversion and instructions courtesy of Jeff Hoffman, in magnanimous Linux style. Corrections and conversion of arrangement #2, with RGB and hex codes, courtesy of the eminently meticulous Carey Bunks (cbunks@bbn.com).
For Macromedia Fireworks
Thanks, Nancy, for your persistence in making the above file for Fireworks fans everywhere. Here are some handy variations from the industrious Mr. Daniel Staver:
In all cases, the swatch window must be resized to a width of 16 or 23. Otherwise the colors will be jumbled. 23 Dec 99 Jason has thoughtfully demonstrated there is still a problem in Fireworks 3. I have written the good folks at Macromedia about this, offering a free poster to any developer who at will look at Jason's page. No takers so far... Rich Fuester contributed this variation for Fireworks MX:
For MetaCreations PainterVisiBone2_mamcp.txt courtesy of Mark Anderson should look like this. Info from Mark: "I did the the palette in v5.5 for Win but my guess is it would work in version 4.x thru 6 for Windows. Not sure about Macs. Painter is really an app to work in true color but you can set up 'color set' swatches as you would your artist's palette and as of v5.5 the app shipped with a '216 web color' color set. Under Windows, the color set (swatch) palette is a simple .TXT file. These live in C:\Program Files\Painter 5.5\Extra Art Material\ if you've used a default install. To load the color set/swatch from another folder simply open the 'Art Materials' palette, click 'Color' menu and then click 'Load color Set' My guess is the folder name within the 'Painter' folder will be the same for other Windows versions of the program or a Mac."
For Flash MXThanks to Marc Castles. For ACD Canvas:Windows users:
This file will work in versions 9 and X of Canvas. The palette is 16x16 color inks. Drag the "Presets" palette open to that dimension (see screen shot). Thanks to Ken Petri. |
Both VisiBone collections include the entire 216-color Webmaster's Palette of colors, with each color shown exactly once, except for white and gray in the corners and black in the holes. Within the confines of these grids, the palette is not precisely symmetrical by hue. But all opposite colors are diametrically opposite the center.
For black click in the center. This avoids hitting some of the really dark colors by mistake. If you look really close in collection #1 you can see Obscure Weak Yellow (#333300) in the fourth row down, third column from the left. Obscure Weak Blue (#000033) is similarly exposed toward the lower right, as is Obscure Gray (#333333) on the inboard end of each corner gray series. The other really dim colors are surrounded by color and not exposed like this. On some systems these colors are very hard to distinguish from black.
Jeffrey Zeldman (Dr. Web, and A List Apart, www.alistapart.com): "There are Web-safe color palettes, and then there are Web-safe color palettes. VisiBone.com makes one of the best..."
Joe Gillespie (Web Page Design For Designers, www.wpdfd.com): "I just wanted to say how very useful your VisiBone swatch has been to me personally."
Jason Cranford Teague (www.webbedenvironments.com): "I use your colour palette daily."
Nancy S: "I absolutely love the VisiBone swatch."+
Permission has been graciously requested and cheerfully granted for the following products to include VisiBone color arrangements:
CSS Intro by Dave Raggett at w3c.org |
VisiBone swatch collections are distributed by:
visib02.zip |
*Usage guidelines: You're more than welcome to download the swatch collections on this page and use them for fun or profit to your heart's content on the same computer on which you downloaded them. Please do not reproduce, derive or distribute without advance permission from VisiBone.