HTML code | VACCC abbre- viation |
VACCC name | |
FFFFFF | W | White | |
CCCCCC | PG | Pale Gray | |
999999 | LG | Light Gray | |
666666 | DG | Dark Gray | |
333333 | OG | Obscure Gray | |
000000 | K | Black | |
FF0000 | R | Red | |
FF3333 | LHR | Light Hard Red | |
CC0000 | DHR | Dark Hard Red | |
FF6666 | LFR | Light Faded Red | |
CC3333 | MFR | Medium Faded Red | |
990000 | DFR | Dark Faded Red | |
FF9999 | PDR | Pale Dull Red | |
CC6666 | LDR | Light Dull Red | |
993333 | DDR | Dark Dull Red | |
660000 | ODR | Obscure Dull Red | |
FFCCCC | PWR | Pale Weak Red | |
CC9999 | LWR | Light Weak Red | |
996666 | MWR | Medium Weak Red | |
663333 | DWR | Dark Weak Red | |
330000 | OWR | Obscure Weak Red | |
FF3300 | RRO | Red-Red-Orange | |
FF6633 | LRO | Light Red-Orange | |
CC3300 | DRO | Dark Red-Orange | |
FF9966 | LOR | Light Orange-Red | |
CC6633 | MOR | Medium Orange-Red | |
993300 | DOR | Dark Orange-Red | |
FF6600 | OOR | Orange-Orange-Red | |
FF9933 | LHO | Light Hard Orange | |
CC6600 | DHO | Dark Hard Orange | |
FFCC99 | PDO | Pale Dull Orange | |
CC9966 | LDO | Light Dull Orange | |
996633 | DDO | Dark Dull Orange | |
663300 | ODO | Obscure Dull Orange | |
FF9900 | OOY | Orange-Orange-Yellow | |
FFCC66 | LOY | Light Orange-Yellow | |
CC9933 | MOY | Medium Orange-Yellow | |
996600 | DOY | Dark Orange-Yellow | |
CC9900 | DYO | Dark Yellow-Orange | |
FFCC33 | LYO | Light Yellow-Orange | |
FFCC00 | YYO | Yellow-Yellow-Orange | |
FFFF00 | Y | Yellow | |
FFFF33 | LHY | Light Hard Yellow | |
CCCC00 | DHY | Dark Hard Yellow | |
FFFF66 | LFY | Light Faded Yellow | |
CCCC33 | MFY | Medium Faded Yellow | |
999900 | DFY | Dark Faded Yellow | |
FFFF99 | PDY | Pale Dull Yellow | |
CCCC66 | LDY | Light Dull Yellow | |
999933 | DDY | Dark Dull Yellow | |
666600 | ODY | Obscure Dull Yellow | |
FFFFCC | PWY | Pale Weak Yellow | |
CCCC99 | LWY | Light Weak Yellow | |
999966 | MWY | Medium Weak Yellow | |
666633 | DWY | Dark Weak Yellow | |
333300 | OWY | Obscure Weak Yellow | |
CCFF00 | YYS | Yellow-Yellow-Spring | |
CCFF33 | LYS | Light Yellow-Spring | |
99CC00 | DYS | Dark Yellow-Spring | |
CCFF66 | LSY | Light Spring-Yellow | |
99CC33 | MSY | Medium Spring-Yellow | |
669900 | DSY | Dark Spring-Yellow | |
99FF00 | SSY | Spring-Spring-Yellow | |
99FF33 | LHS | Light Hard Spring | |
66CC00 | DHS | Dark Hard Spring | |
CCFF99 | PDS | Pale Dull Spring | |
99CC66 | LDS | Light Dull Spring | |
669933 | DDS | Dark Dull Spring | |
336600 | ODS | Obscure Dull Spring | |
66FF00 | SSG | Spring-Spring-Green | |
99FF66 | LSG | Light Spring-Green | |
66CC33 | MSG | Medium Spring-Green | |
339900 | DSG | Dark Spring-Green | |
66FF33 | LGS | Light Green-Spring | |
33CC00 | DGS | Dark Green-Spring | |
33FF00 | GGS | Green-Green-Spring | |
00FF00 | G | Green | |
33FF33 | LHG | Light Hard Green | |
00CC00 | DHG | Dark Hard Green | |
66FF66 | LFG | Light Faded Green | |
33CC33 | MFG | Medium Faded Green | |
009900 | DFG | Dark Faded Green | |
99FF99 | PDG | Pale Dull Green | |
66CC66 | LDG | Light Dull Green | |
339933 | DDG | Dark Dull Green | |
006600 | ODG | Obscure Dull Green | |
CCFFCC | PWG | Pale Weak Green | |
99CC99 | LWG | Light Weak Green | |
669966 | MWG | Medium Weak Green | |
336633 | DWG | Dark Weak Green | |
003300 | OWG | Obscure Weak Green | |
00FF33 | GGT | Green-Green-Teal | |
33FF66 | LGT | Light Green-Teal | |
00CC33 | DGT | Dark Green-Teal | |
66FF99 | LTG | Light Teal-Green | |
33CC66 | MTG | Medium Teal-Green | |
009933 | DTG | Dark Teal-Green | |
00FF66 | TTG | Teal-Teal-Green | |
33FF99 | LHT | Light Hard Teal | |
00CC66 | DHT | Dark Hard Teal | |
99FFCC | PDT | Pale Dull Teal | |
66CC99 | LDT | Light Dull Teal | |
339966 | DDT | Dark Dull Teal | |
006633 | ODT | Obscure Dull Teal | |
00FF99 | TTC | Teal-Teal-Cyan | |
66FFCC | LTC | Light Teal-Cyan | |
33CC99 | MTC | Medium Teal-Cyan | |
009966 | DTC | Dark Teal-Cyan | |
33FFCC | LCT | Light Cyan-Teal | |
00CC99 | DCT | Dark Cyan-Teal | |
00FFCC | CCT | Cyan-Cyan-Teal | |
00FFFF | C | Cyan | |
33FFFF | LHC | Light Hard Cyan | |
00CCCC | DHC | Dark Hard Cyan | |
66FFFF | LFC | Light Faded Cyan | |
33CCCC | MFC | Medium Faded Cyan | |
009999 | DFC | Dark Faded Cyan | |
99FFFF | PDC | Pale Dull Cyan | |
66CCCC | LDC | Light Dull Cyan | |
339999 | DDC | Dark Dull Cyan | |
006666 | ODC | Obscure Dull Cyan | |
CCFFFF | PWC | Pale Weak Cyan | |
99CCCC | LWC | Light Weak Cyan | |
669999 | MWC | Medium Weak Cyan | |
336666 | DWC | Dark Weak Cyan | |
003333 | OWC | Obscure Weak Cyan | |
00CCFF | CCA | Cyan-Cyan-Azure | |
33CCFF | LCA | Light Cyan-Azure | |
0099CC | DCA | Dark Cyan-Azure | |
66CCFF | LAC | Light Azure-Cyan | |
3399CC | MAC | Medium Azure-Cyan | |
006699 | DAC | Dark Azure-Cyan | |
0099FF | AAC | Azure-Azure-Cyan | |
3399FF | LHA | Light Hard Azure | |
0066CC | DHA | Dark Hard Azure | |
99CCFF | PDA | Pale Dull Azure | |
6699CC | LDA | Light Dull Azure | |
336699 | DDA | Dark Dull Azure | |
003366 | ODA | Obscure Dull Azure | |
0066FF | AAB | Azure-Azure-Blue | |
6699FF | LAB | Light Azure-Blue | |
3366CC | MAB | Medium Azure-Blue | |
003399 | DAB | Dark Azure-Blue | |
3366FF | LBA | Light Blue-Azure | |
0033CC | DBA | Dark Blue-Azure | |
0033FF | BBA | Blue-Blue-Azure | |
0000FF | B | Blue | |
3333FF | LHB | Light Hard Blue | |
0000CC | DHB | Dark Hard Blue | |
6666FF | LFB | Light Faded Blue | |
3333CC | MFB | Medium Faded Blue | |
000099 | DFB | Dark Faded Blue | |
9999FF | PDB | Pale Dull Blue | |
6666CC | LDB | Light Dull Blue | |
333399 | DDB | Dark Dull Blue | |
000066 | ODB | Obscure Dull Blue | |
CCCCFF | PWB | Pale Weak Blue | |
9999CC | LWB | Light Weak Blue | |
666699 | MWB | Medium Weak Blue | |
333366 | DWB | Dark Weak Blue | |
000033 | OWB | Obscure Weak Blue | |
3300FF | BBV | Blue-Blue-Violet | |
6633FF | LBV | Light Blue-Violet | |
3300CC | DBV | Dark Blue-Violet | |
9966FF | LVB | Light Violet-Blue | |
6633CC | MVB | Medium Violet-Blue | |
330099 | DVB | Dark Violet-Blue | |
6600FF | VVB | Violet-Violet-Blue | |
9933FF | LHV | Light Hard Violet | |
6600CC | DHV | Dark Hard Violet | |
CC99FF | PDV | Pale Dull Violet | |
9966CC | LDV | Light Dull Violet | |
663399 | DDV | Dark Dull Violet | |
330066 | ODV | Obscure Dull Violet | |
9900FF | VVM | Violet-Violet-Magenta | |
CC66FF | LVM | Light Violet-Magenta | |
9933CC | MVM | Medium Violet-Magenta | |
660099 | DVM | Dark Violet-Magenta | |
CC33FF | LMV | Light Magenta-Violet | |
9900CC | DMV | Dark Magenta-Violet | |
CC00FF | MMV | Magenta-Magenta-Violet | |
FF00FF | M | Magenta | |
FF33FF | LHM | Light Hard Magenta | |
CC00CC | DHM | Dark Hard Magenta | |
FF66FF | LFM | Light Faded Magenta | |
CC33CC | MFM | Medium Faded Magenta | |
990099 | DFM | Dark Faded Magenta | |
FF99FF | PDM | Pale Dull Magenta | |
CC66CC | LDM | Light Dull Magenta | |
993399 | DDM | Dark Dull Magenta | |
660066 | ODM | Obscure Dull Magenta | |
FFCCFF | PWM | Pale Weak Magenta | |
CC99CC | LWM | Light Weak Magenta | |
996699 | MWM | Medium Weak Magenta | |
663366 | DWM | Dark Weak Magenta | |
330033 | OWM | Obscure Weak Magenta | |
FF00CC | MMP | Magenta-Magenta-Pink | |
FF33CC | LMP | Light Magenta-Pink | |
CC0099 | DMP | Dark Magenta-Pink | |
FF66CC | LPM | Light Pink-Magenta | |
CC3399 | MPM | Medium Pink-Magenta | |
990066 | DPM | Dark Pink-Magenta | |
FF0099 | PPM | Pink-Pink-Magenta | |
FF3399 | LHP | Light Hard Pink | |
CC0066 | DHP | Dark Hard Pink | |
FF99CC | PDP | Pale Dull Pink | |
CC6699 | LDP | Light Dull Pink | |
993366 | DDP | Dark Dull Pink | |
660033 | ODP | Obscure Dull Pink | |
FF0066 | PPR | Pink-Pink-Red | |
FF6699 | LPR | Light Pink-Red | |
CC3366 | MPR | Medium Pink-Red | |
990033 | DPR | Dark Pink-Red | |
FF3366 | LRP | Light Red-Pink | |
CC0033 | DRP | Dark Red-Pink | |
FF0033 | RRP | Red-Red-Pink |
There are 60 hues in the palette, and each one has a name here, for example Red, Red-Orange, Yellow-Spring, Magenta-Magenta-Violet. Some hues have as many as fifteen shades in the palette, some only one. The shades of a given hue are grouped together. The vividness of a shade is also called its saturation. The lightness/darkness is called its brightness or intensity.
Excerpt of the Webmaster's Palette Poster
Light Ramblings: Perception Versus Reality
Peter Hamer correctly points out that this naming scheme should not be confused with names given to spectral colors, such as those that follow the mnemonic "Roy G. Biv": Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. The distinction is between the physical nature of light and the human perception of if.
Humans can't distinguish yellow light from a mixture of red and green light. That's due to the color detection mechanism of the human eye. The "cones" on the surface of the retina respond differentially to red, green and blue light. (The "rods" on the other hand are very sensitive to the brightness of light but can't distinguish hues.) So computer phosphors don't attempt to transmit yellow light at all. They simulate it by transmitting both red and green. At least humans can be fooled in this way.
There's much more to light than the human eye can measure. Besides the fact that visible light is a narrow subset of all the light coming from the sun, there a whole dimension in the variation of frequency and amplitude to which the eye is "tone deaf". This dimension is important to astronomers and chemists. Their instruments measure aspects of light that can reveal, for example, the composition of a star as well as that of a material found at a crime scene.
Only when light is "for eyes only," your's or anyone's, can we simplify theory and measurement to varying quantities of red, green and blue. (Ever use a magnifying glass on your computer screen to see the little dots? Watch that eyestrain! Didn't I say a magnfying glass?!) So the physics of color and the perception of color are different disciplines.
Another interesting distinction, "hues" on a computer monitor as well as in the mind of a user, follow a circular series, as named above in the hue list. Magenta and Pink are as close to each other in perception as Green and Teal. But the physics of light is linear, a spectrum. Violet in the color spectrum is the furthest thing from Red. With real light, there's no such thing as magenta. The eye, when the red and blue cones are stimulated "sees" magenta, but it doesn't correspond to any frequency of light, the way most other hues do.
Incidentally, the distinction between Red, Green, Blue (RGB) and Cyan, Magenta, Yellow (CMY or CMYK when Black is added to the mix) is purely tactical. Printers use light-absorbing ink and computer monitors use light-transmitting phosphors. The perfect cyan ink would completely absorb red light and be completely transparent to green and blue. The tactic of mixing cyan and yellow ink to get green is backwards from mixing red and green light to get yellow. But the strategy is the same: fooling human eyeballs by manipulating the red, green and blue light that ultimately hits the retina.
Back to the color lab! |
Check out the poster! Be the envy of the webmasters on your block when you tack up the entire Webmaster's Palette on your wall. |
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