VACCC — VisiBone Anglo-Centric Color Code


VACCC name
pixel.gif (807 bytes)
999999 LG Light Gray
666666 DG Dark Gray
333333 OG Obscure Gray
000000 K Black
FF0000 R Red
FF3333 LHR Light Hard Red
CC0000 DHR Dark Hard Red
FF6666 LFR Light Faded Red
CC3333 MFR Medium Faded Red
990000 DFR Dark Faded Red
FF9999 PDR Pale Dull Red
CC6666 LDR Light Dull Red
993333 DDR Dark Dull Red
660000 ODR Obscure Dull Red
FFCCCC PWR Pale Weak Red
CC9999 LWR Light Weak Red
996666 MWR Medium Weak Red
663333 DWR Dark Weak Red
330000 OWR Obscure Weak Red
FF3300 RRO Red-Red-Orange
FF6633 LRO Light Red-Orange
CC3300 DRO Dark Red-Orange
FF9966 LOR Light Orange-Red
CC6633 MOR Medium Orange-Red
993300 DOR Dark Orange-Red
FF6600 OOR Orange-Orange-Red
FF9933 LHO Light Hard Orange
CC6600 DHO Dark Hard Orange
FFCC99 PDO Pale Dull Orange
CC9966 LDO Light Dull Orange
996633 DDO Dark Dull Orange
663300 ODO Obscure Dull Orange
FF9900 OOY Orange-Orange-Yellow
FFCC66 LOY Light Orange-Yellow
CC9933 MOY Medium Orange-Yellow
996600 DOY Dark Orange-Yellow
CC9900 DYO Dark Yellow-Orange
FFCC33 LYO Light Yellow-Orange
FFCC00 YYO Yellow-Yellow-Orange
FFFF00 Y Yellow
FFFF33 LHY Light Hard Yellow
CCCC00 DHY Dark Hard Yellow
FFFF66 LFY Light Faded Yellow
CCCC33 MFY Medium Faded Yellow
999900 DFY Dark Faded Yellow
FFFF99 PDY Pale Dull Yellow
CCCC66 LDY Light Dull Yellow
999933 DDY Dark Dull Yellow
666600 ODY Obscure Dull Yellow
FFFFCC PWY Pale Weak Yellow
CCCC99 LWY Light Weak Yellow
999966 MWY Medium Weak Yellow
666633 DWY Dark Weak Yellow
333300 OWY Obscure Weak Yellow
CCFF00 YYS Yellow-Yellow-Spring
CCFF33 LYS Light Yellow-Spring
99CC00 DYS Dark Yellow-Spring
CCFF66 LSY Light Spring-Yellow
99CC33 MSY Medium Spring-Yellow
669900 DSY Dark Spring-Yellow
99FF00 SSY Spring-Spring-Yellow
99FF33 LHS Light Hard Spring
66CC00 DHS Dark Hard Spring
CCFF99 PDS Pale Dull Spring
99CC66 LDS Light Dull Spring
669933 DDS Dark Dull Spring
336600 ODS Obscure Dull Spring
66FF00 SSG Spring-Spring-Green
99FF66 LSG Light Spring-Green
66CC33 MSG Medium Spring-Green
339900 DSG Dark Spring-Green
66FF33 LGS Light Green-Spring
33CC00 DGS Dark Green-Spring
33FF00 GGS Green-Green-Spring
00FF00 G Green
33FF33 LHG Light Hard Green
00CC00 DHG Dark Hard Green
66FF66 LFG Light Faded Green
33CC33 MFG Medium Faded Green
009900 DFG Dark Faded Green
99FF99 PDG Pale Dull Green
66CC66 LDG Light Dull Green
339933 DDG Dark Dull Green
006600 ODG Obscure Dull Green
CCFFCC PWG Pale Weak Green
99CC99 LWG Light Weak Green
669966 MWG Medium Weak Green
336633 DWG Dark Weak Green
003300 OWG Obscure Weak Green
00FF33 GGT Green-Green-Teal
33FF66 LGT Light Green-Teal
00CC33 DGT Dark Green-Teal
66FF99 LTG Light Teal-Green
33CC66 MTG Medium Teal-Green
009933 DTG Dark Teal-Green
00FF66 TTG Teal-Teal-Green
33FF99 LHT Light Hard Teal
00CC66 DHT Dark Hard Teal
99FFCC PDT Pale Dull Teal
66CC99 LDT Light Dull Teal
339966 DDT Dark Dull Teal
006633 ODT Obscure Dull Teal
00FF99 TTC Teal-Teal-Cyan
66FFCC LTC Light Teal-Cyan
33CC99 MTC Medium Teal-Cyan
009966 DTC Dark Teal-Cyan
33FFCC LCT Light Cyan-Teal
00CC99 DCT Dark Cyan-Teal
00FFCC CCT Cyan-Cyan-Teal
00FFFF C Cyan
33FFFF LHC Light Hard Cyan
00CCCC DHC Dark Hard Cyan
66FFFF LFC Light Faded Cyan
33CCCC MFC Medium Faded Cyan
009999 DFC Dark Faded Cyan
99FFFF PDC Pale Dull Cyan
66CCCC LDC Light Dull Cyan
339999 DDC Dark Dull Cyan
006666 ODC Obscure Dull Cyan
CCFFFF PWC Pale Weak Cyan
99CCCC LWC Light Weak Cyan
669999 MWC Medium Weak Cyan
336666 DWC Dark Weak Cyan
003333 OWC Obscure Weak Cyan
00CCFF CCA Cyan-Cyan-Azure
33CCFF LCA Light Cyan-Azure
0099CC DCA Dark Cyan-Azure
66CCFF LAC Light Azure-Cyan
3399CC MAC Medium Azure-Cyan
006699 DAC Dark Azure-Cyan
0099FF AAC Azure-Azure-Cyan
3399FF LHA Light Hard Azure
0066CC DHA Dark Hard Azure
99CCFF PDA Pale Dull Azure
6699CC LDA Light Dull Azure
336699 DDA Dark Dull Azure
003366 ODA Obscure Dull Azure
0066FF AAB Azure-Azure-Blue
6699FF LAB Light Azure-Blue
3366CC MAB Medium Azure-Blue
003399 DAB Dark Azure-Blue
3366FF LBA Light Blue-Azure
0033CC DBA Dark Blue-Azure
0033FF BBA Blue-Blue-Azure
0000FF B Blue
3333FF LHB Light Hard Blue
0000CC DHB Dark Hard Blue
6666FF LFB Light Faded Blue
3333CC MFB Medium Faded Blue
000099 DFB Dark Faded Blue
9999FF PDB Pale Dull Blue
6666CC LDB Light Dull Blue
333399 DDB Dark Dull Blue
000066 ODB Obscure Dull Blue
CCCCFF PWB Pale Weak Blue
9999CC LWB Light Weak Blue
666699 MWB Medium Weak Blue
333366 DWB Dark Weak Blue
000033 OWB Obscure Weak Blue
3300FF BBV Blue-Blue-Violet
6633FF LBV Light Blue-Violet
3300CC DBV Dark Blue-Violet
9966FF LVB Light Violet-Blue
6633CC MVB Medium Violet-Blue
330099 DVB Dark Violet-Blue
6600FF VVB Violet-Violet-Blue
9933FF LHV Light Hard Violet
6600CC DHV Dark Hard Violet
CC99FF PDV Pale Dull Violet
9966CC LDV Light Dull Violet
663399 DDV Dark Dull Violet
330066 ODV Obscure Dull Violet
9900FF VVM Violet-Violet-Magenta
CC66FF LVM Light Violet-Magenta
9933CC MVM Medium Violet-Magenta
660099 DVM Dark Violet-Magenta
CC33FF LMV Light Magenta-Violet
9900CC DMV Dark Magenta-Violet
CC00FF MMV Magenta-Magenta-Violet
FF00FF M Magenta
FF33FF LHM Light Hard Magenta
CC00CC DHM Dark Hard Magenta
FF66FF LFM Light Faded Magenta
CC33CC MFM Medium Faded Magenta
990099 DFM Dark Faded Magenta
FF99FF PDM Pale Dull Magenta
CC66CC LDM Light Dull Magenta
993399 DDM Dark Dull Magenta
660066 ODM Obscure Dull Magenta
FFCCFF PWM Pale Weak Magenta
CC99CC LWM Light Weak Magenta
996699 MWM Medium Weak Magenta
663366 DWM Dark Weak Magenta
330033 OWM Obscure Weak Magenta
FF00CC MMP Magenta-Magenta-Pink
FF33CC LMP Light Magenta-Pink
CC0099 DMP Dark Magenta-Pink
FF66CC LPM Light Pink-Magenta
CC3399 MPM Medium Pink-Magenta
990066 DPM Dark Pink-Magenta
FF0099 PPM Pink-Pink-Magenta
FF3399 LHP Light Hard Pink
CC0066 DHP Dark Hard Pink
FF99CC PDP Pale Dull Pink
CC6699 LDP Light Dull Pink
993366 DDP Dark Dull Pink
660033 ODP Obscure Dull Pink
FF0066 PPR Pink-Pink-Red
FF6699 LPR Light Pink-Red
CC3366 MPR Medium Pink-Red
990033 DPR Dark Pink-Red
FF3366 LRP Light Red-Pink
CC0033 DRP Dark Red-Pink
FF0033 RRP Red-Red-Pink

There are 60 hues in the palette, and each one has a name here, for example Red, Red-Orange, Yellow-Spring, Magenta-Magenta-Violet.  Some hues have as many as fifteen shades in the palette, some only one.  The shades of a given hue are grouped together.  The vividness of a shade is also called its saturation.   The lightness/darkness is called its brightness or intensity.

threelet.jpg (23620 bytes)
Excerpt of the Webmaster's Palette Poster

Light Ramblings:  Perception Versus Reality

Peter Hamer correctly points out that this naming scheme should not be confused with names given to spectral colors, such as those that follow the mnemonic "Roy G. Biv":  Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.  The distinction is between the physical nature of light and the human perception of if.

Humans can't distinguish yellow light from a mixture of red and green light. That's due to the color detection mechanism of the human eye.   The "cones" on the surface of the retina respond differentially to red, green and blue light.  (The "rods" on the other hand are very sensitive to the brightness of light but can't distinguish hues.)   So computer phosphors don't attempt to transmit yellow light at all.  They simulate it by transmitting both red and green.  At least humans can be fooled in this way.

There's much more to light than the human eye can measure.   Besides the fact that visible light is a narrow subset of all the light coming from the sun, there a whole dimension in the variation of frequency and amplitude to which the eye is "tone deaf".  This dimension is important to astronomers and chemists.  Their instruments measure aspects of light that can reveal, for example, the composition of a star as well as that of a material found at a crime scene.

Only when light is "for eyes only," your's or anyone's, can we simplify theory and measurement to varying quantities of red, green and blue.  (Ever use a magnifying glass on your computer screen to see the little dots?   Watch that eyestrain!  Didn't I say a magnfying glass?!)  So the physics of color and the perception of color are different disciplines.

Another interesting distinction, "hues" on a computer monitor as well as in the mind of a user, follow a circular series, as named above in the hue list.  Magenta and Pink are as close to each other in perception as Green and Teal.  But the physics of light is linear, a spectrum.   Violet in the color spectrum is the furthest thing from Red.  With real light, there's no such thing as magenta.  The eye, when the red and blue cones are stimulated "sees" magenta, but it doesn't correspond to any frequency of light, the way most other hues do.

Incidentally, the distinction between Red, Green, Blue (RGB) and Cyan, Magenta, Yellow (CMY or CMYK when Black is added to the mix) is purely tactical.  Printers use light-absorbing ink and computer monitors use light-transmitting phosphors.  The perfect cyan ink would completely absorb red light and be completely transparent to green and blue.   The tactic of mixing cyan and yellow ink to get green is backwards from mixing red and green light to get yellow.  But the strategy is the same:  fooling human eyeballs by manipulating the red, green and blue light that ultimately hits the retina.


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