This 18" x
24" poster helps you make informed color choices within the web-safe palette. All 216 standard colors are grouped by hue and reveal every shading series in the palette (light- medium-dark colors). The color chips show the codes used by web and graphics design tools: hexadecimal HTML and decimal RGB. 3300 sold to designers in This page is in English and |
"Just want to say thanks for the poster! It looked good on the web and is even better
in print. It's both a piece of art and a helpful tool." A.D.
"I received the Webmasters Palette poster yesterday. It's everything I expected it to be. Congratulations on a superb effort." S.B.
"The poster is great, by the way. I've gotten numerous compliments on it, both for its usefulness and for its design." M.T.
"Fine work on the color chart. I use it in several of my classes now. Students love it!" M.W.
"I just got the poster, and do not have sufficient words to express my awe." C. C.
"Really nice job of organizing the info and accurate to boot!" W.C.
"I love the posters...we use them all day every day." D.F.